Our Approach Overview
General Performance Improvement:
Performance is determined by the interplay of processes and skills. As W. Edwards Deming demonstrated, process defines the ceiling and floor of the performance range. In turn, skills determine the ultimate performance within the defined range. Performance improvement programs need to consider both processes and skills, and how they work in tandem. Understanding this inter-relationship is critical to designing an effective performance improvement program that maximizes the return from development efforts.
To create and implement effective and efficient improvement programs for individuals, teams, and organizations, we take into account both processes and skills - individually and in combination. Toward that end:
We have created a developmental model that considers the combinations of skills and proceeses that naturally build on each other
We use the standard Universal Process Model for process mapping, development, and refinements
We base our skills development programs on sound adult development and learning principles that have been proven to be highly effective in applied settings
Sales Enablement:
Our speciality is sales enablement. We use an evidenced-based approach to selling that has a proven track record of:
Producing consistent revenue
Creating satisfied customers
Integrating cross-departmental efforts
Using corporate resources more efficiently
As data and insights have been pulled together from a variety of sources and disciplines, our understanding of sales and marketing has grown. Key areas of growth include:
We have deeper insight into the buying process and how vendors can be more effective at each stage of the buying cycle
We have greater understanding of how to align buying and selling behavior, allowing vendors to prevent objections and better manage buyer expectations
We know more about the formation and maturation of sales and marketing processes, enabling organizations to become more efficient and utilize automation tools
It is important to note that some significant technological advances have changed the way buyers and sellers interact. Specifically technology has:
Made more information available to buyers than ever before
Enabled buyers to delay, or even avoid completely, any interaction with a sales representative
Dramatically changed how customer service is provided
Allowed data to be more easily shared internally (within the revenue organization)
Integrating the new data and technological advances, our approach to sales enablement includes:
A comprehensive perspective on revenue generation that incorporates all of the relevant business functions and integrates them into a single organization to coordinate their efforts
Deep insight into the process people go through in making a buying decision, and how to align sales and marketing with how people buy
Extensive study of the best practices in sales, and how to affect change in sales reps and sales organizations
More information on these topics can be found on the specific pages in the 'Our Approach' section. You can also read more about the components that comprise the revenue organization and its development.